Certificate for Financially Most Stable Companies

Dun & Bradstreet, a global leader in business information services and ratings, evaluates the financial stability and business reliability of companies using an internationally recognized, rigorously tested methodology. As a result of this comprehensive analysis, GD Gép és Daru Kft. has been recognized as one of the most financially stable companies.

It is a great honor for us to be ranked among the best for the fifth consecutive year based on Dun & Bradstreet’s objective company rating. We place great emphasis on fair business practices, and we are proud that an independent expert has confirmed the exceptionally low likelihood of our company’s insolvency. This recognition strengthens the trust of our clients, partners, and employees, which is becoming increasingly crucial for building long-term, robust business relationships.

This accolade not only reflects our current standing but also affirms that our corporate development strategy is on the right track. Since the rating is based solely on professional criteria and cannot be applied for or requested, the Dun & Bradstreet certificate truly distinguishes our company in the market.

Our company has been awarded the Dun & Bradstreet AAA (Triple-A) certification, indicating an extremely low financial risk for establishing a business relationship with us.

The certification is underpinned by Dun & Bradstreet’s long-standing international rating system, which has been evaluating companies’ reliability for decades. Certificates marked AAA, AA, and A serve as benchmarks of business stability and trustworthiness, enabling companies to reinforce their reputation. The AAA rating was introduced in 1989, and since 1996, companies have had the opportunity to showcase this reliability through official certification.

Widely recognized across Europe, the Dun & Bradstreet certification lends credibility across various areas of business. The evaluation is based on data from official sources, such as Hungary’s Ministry of Justice, the Court of Registry, and the National Tax and Customs Administration (NAV), as well as additional financial data, including balance sheets, profit and loss statements, and trends. The rating also considers a company’s demographic characteristics—such as its age, activities, size, and ownership structure—and its payment discipline, including timeliness in settling invoices.

Beyond assessing our current financial stability, the Dun & Bradstreet rating also forecasts the likelihood of insolvency over the next year. Based on this, we proudly affirm that GD Gép és Daru Kft. will continue to be a stable player in the market, earning the trust of its partners well into the future.